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Arial Font Family Rar' title='Arial Font Family Rar' />Practical usage of SQLCLR Building Query. To. Html function. It happens quite often that you need to send the query results from a database process to someone via e mail. This might be to report information to a customer or perhaps to alert yourself about the result of a SQL Agent job. You might even want to include the result as an attached Excel spreadsheet. In these situations, it would be useful to have a function that takes a query as a parameter and transforms the query results into an HTML table, possibly rotated, that can be rendered into a readable form. Anybody know where I can download the Helvetica family fonts at for free A Wiki with skins, plugins, XMLRPC remote API, portlet integration, statistics, RSS feeds, PDF exporting, and WYSIWYG editing. Calidad y Tecnologia En Un Solo Lugar, Programas Full, Musica, Videos y mas. Actualizaciones Diarias, Descargas Gratis. Gracias por visitarnos. There used to be such a procedure, spMake. Web. Task, which was deprecated in SQL Server 2. Of course, it is possible to build a fat or thin client application, which will use an XML transformation in order to get valid HTML. In this tutorial you will learn how to write your own PHP MVC framework from scratch allowing you to isolate business, database and presentation logic with ease. Confiram o mais recente lanamento do My Family Cinema, o filme MUDBOUND. Na BTV BOX. There are many samples on the Internet, which show you how to build such a solution. The XML transformation could be accomplished on the server side, too, using the XML support for T SQL or an XLST stylesheet. However, I find that this solution is not easy to build and maintain. Let us consider following example. This code snippet, produce valid HTML as showed in picture below. However, it is difficult to implement CSS styles and make any changes. USE Adventure. Works. Menu droulant 2 niveaux. Comme il y avait pas mal de demandes je me suis amus faire un menuderoulant2niveaux Pour le code il y a juste afficher le code. This article provides the procedure for capturing an image from a webcam and store it in folder. Arial Font Family Rar' title='Arial Font Family Rar' />SELECT Adventure. Works. 20. 14. Person. Person. FOR XML PATH, TYPE. AS caption. SELECT First name AS th, Last name AS th. FOR XML RAWtr, ELEMENTS, TYPE. SELECT f. First. Name AS td, f. Last. Name AS td. SELECT TOP 1. 0 First. Name, Last. Name. FROM Person. Person. AS FFirst. Name, Last. Name. FOR XML RAWtr, ELEMENTS, TYPE. FOR XML PATH, ROOTtable. Let us try something completely different. Let us try to build a solution using. NET. This means using SQLCLR. Let us see how is expensive such solution in terms of performance, how is difficult to use and make extensions. This article explains some of the issues that are involved in building a SQLCLR function, using Query. To. Html as a practical and useful example. This is how the article is organized. Firstly, I will show you what we can do with such a function as Query. To. Html. Most people do not like to read a long article all the way through without knowing what they can gain from it. Therefore, I decided to start by describing what it does. In this first section, I will discuss HTML, CSS and ADO. NET. In the second section, I will show you the detail of every parameter that the Query. To. Html function takes. To keep this explanation as simple as possible, I will introduce a tool called Query. To. Html tester, a Win. Forms application, which will help us to test the Query. To. Html function. In the third section, I will show you many examples of the sort of problem you are likely to have to solve. The main goal of this section is to show mapping SQL Server types to System. Data. Sqltypes and. NET native types. Furthermore, I will discuss how values of these types are displayed in HTML. In the fourth section, I will show some basic monitoring possibilities. In the last section, I will show how to deploy solution and explain how supported material is organized. Functionality. Before doing anything else, we have to enable CLR functionality, which is disabled by default. In order to do that we execute this command. Funny thing is that spconfigure clr, 1 works as. Spconfigure uses like operator to determine. Since version, 2. Check is everything is ok. FROM sys. configurations. WHERE configurationid 1. Find Drivers Through Hardware Id. The end result of my Visual Studio solution is an assembly, which you will need to install on your SQL server. I will skip a description of how to do this for the time being. Let us assume, for the moment, that the assembly has been installed correctly. To test this out we can use SSMS Object Browser. Under the database in which you installed the assembly, expand the assembly folder. You should see a new assembly, Sql. Clr. Reporter. In addition, in the Scalar valued Functions folder there are two new functions, both of which are shown in this screenshot. I will show you the basic functionality using Adventure. Works. 20. 12 2. Let us assume that we would like to send a single result of a query to someone in an email. DECLARE body NVARCHARMAX. SELECT dbo. Query. To. HtmlSELECT. National. IDNumber. Organization. Level. Marital. Status. Salaried. Flag. e. Vacation. Hours. e. Sick. Leave. Hours. Current. Flag. FROM Human. Resources. Employee e. LEFT OUTER JOIN Person. Person p. ON e. Business. Entity. ID p. Business. Entity. ID. WHERE e. Business. Entity. ID emp. BId, emp. Bid int 6. 2, Person Employee, 1, 0,. It is just a simple query that returns one record. The result of this query has assigned to the body string variable. Then, later on in the procedure or batch, we have the following statement that adds a second HTML table to the body. We could just send this in an email. However, we will, instead, add a second result. SET body SELECT. DBO. Con. Cat. Htmlbody, SELECT. Query. To. HtmlSELECT. FROM Production. Product. WHERE Weight weight. Adventure. Works. Production. Product, Auto rotate example, 1, 0,. This query returns another table with one record, using the same function as before. To add it to the first table, we append it to the same variable, body. Then we could send result to someones e mail, like this. EXEC msdb. dbo. spsenddbmail body body. Usage of Query. To. Html. ,recipients lt put e mail address here. HTML. The resulting email will look similar to the picture below. You will notice that both the query results contain only one record and the results have been pivoted. Some styling has been applied, even though we did not specify a style when we issued the query. At this point, you might wonder why we built this functionality when it is possible using the stored procedure, spsenddbmail, to attach the query results. Yes, is possible, but this stored procedure is limited in many ways. Microsoft decided many years ago to build such functionality into spsenddbmail. It was practical for admins to log in and check their server remotely. It is fine for the purpose of transmitting raw query results but isnt extendable to more sophisticated use. So far, we have just seen the basic functionality. Before we do more to explain the functionality of the Query. To. Html function, I should write something about HTML and CSS. Every query should return an HTML table of zero or many records, which needs additional information about how it should be rendered, using CSS. Web designers sometimes consider it useful to provide the table within a DIV element. To accommodate this requirements, the rendering the table can be accomplished in the same manner as in this code fragment. Alternatively, like this, see code below. In the head tag, I will inject a CSS style block. In the body tag, I optionally inject div tags with an appropriate class id. Of course, I am not a web designer and probably there are many better ways to accomplish this rendering. Later I will show you how to apply your own styles. Initially, I had an idea for applying custom rendering by using custom. NET code. Unfortunately, this is just an idea for the future because it is forbidden to compile source code on fly in SQLCRL for all types of CLR assemblies, Microsoft SQLCLR designers divide assemblies according to permission level to SAFE, EXTERNAL AND UNSAFE. Now, is time to say something about. NET. When I started developing this solution, I was thinking about a disconnected approach.