Paleoanthropology Graduate Programs
Profiles archive at Tadias Magazine. Some of the 2. 01. Mandela Washington Fellows from Ethiopia. Courtesy Mandela Washington FellowshipTadias Magazine. By Tadias Staff. Published Tuesday, June 2. New York TADIAS This years class of Mandela Washington Fellows from Ethiopia includes a diverse group of 5. Ethiopia. Teachers, lawyers, doctors, filmmakers, human rights activists including Zone. Zelalem Kibret, social workers, Ethiopian sign language deaf culture experts, non profit directors, public health employees, entrepreneurs, engineers, software developers, and human resource managers are among some of the sectors represented by the new Fellows. The Mandela Washington Fellowship for Young African Leaders YALI, which is conducted annually as a merit based open competition by U. S. Embassies across the African continent, was launched by President Obama in 2. Each Mandela Washington Fellow takes part in a six week academic and leadership Institute at a U. S. university or college in one of three tracks Business and Entrepreneurship, Civic Leadership, or Public Management, states the announcement from YALI. The Fellows, who are between the ages of 2. Savoy Movie Time Sri Lanka more. Fifty percent of Fellows were women and for 7. Fellows, it was their first experience spending substantial time in the United States. In addition, Fellows will receive the opportunity to meet and interact with President Obama as well as other U. S. leaders during a town hall session. Furthermore, the announcement notes that 1. Fellows will remain in the United States to participate in a six week professional development experience with U. S. non governmental organizations, private companies, and governmental agencies that relate to their professional interests and goals. Below are the names and biographies of the 2. Mandela Washington Fellows from Ethiopia. Aklile Solomon Abate. Aklile Solomon Abate has been working as a womens rights activist for more than five years. Monte-Brenda.jpg' alt='Paleoanthropology Graduate Programs' title='Paleoanthropology Graduate Programs' />She has a bachelors degree in Law from Addis Ababa University. Aklile is a co founder of a youth led initiative called The Yellow Movement AAU, which works on womens rights advocacy and empowerment. She is responsible for managing campaigns, coordinating events, handling partnerships, and raising awareness about gender based violence. Aklile also volunteers at a public elementary school by tutoring young children and creates awareness on gender inequality in her community. Upon completion of the Mandela Washington Fellowship, Aklile plans on continuing her work on womens rights by focusing on young children in order to reshape the future generation. Gebeyehu Begashaw Gebeyehu Begashaw has been working as a lecturer at the University of Gondar, Ethiopia, for seven years. 2D Games. The Pleistocene Coalition is a group of researchers challenging the tenets of mainstream scientific agendas which are promoted despite empirical data to the contrary. His work focuses on teaching graduate and undergraduate students, conducting research projects, and rendering community services. He also currently serves as research officer at the College of Social Sciences, where he oversees research projects undertaken by the faculty and students. His research interests center on different public health issues such as mental health, maternal health, health economics, and health systems. He advocates protecting the human rights of the mentally ill, which includes the right to appropriate mental health care, and the right to education and employment. Gebeyehu has a masters degree in Social Psychology from Addis Ababa University and in Organizational Behavior from Paris V Descartes University. After the Fellowship, Gebeyehu plans to continue his work in the public health arena with a focus on improving the mental health care system through evidence based decisions. Molalign Belay. Molalign Belay has approximately eight years of experience working for an academic institution in Ethiopia. Born and raised in a rural village of Ethiopia, he used to be engaged in farming activities and local tour guiding. Currently, Molalign is a lecturer of Sociology. As director of the Alumni Relation and Partnership Office of University of Gondar, he initiates communications and strategic team work, organizes events and alumni workshops, seeks opportunities and networks for alumnistudents, and undertakes alumni and employers surveys, to name a few. Molalign has an MA in Sociology Health and Well being from Addis Ababa University. He works for local organizations as a volunteer trainer, project designer and trustee. He is a Rotarian, an educator and a social analyst on the local FM radio program. Upon the completion of the Mandela Washington Fellowship, Molalign plans to create a scholars community through establishing community based youth centers to engage and empower students. Alemseged Woretaw Alemseged Woretaw has almost 1. Currently, he is a technical advisor for the National Board of Examinations at the Ministry of Health. How To Install Rpm Package On Arch Linux Wiki here. He also works closely with universities to improve student assessment and learning by synchronizing licensure exam preparation with faculty development efforts. Alemseged is a medical doctor with a masters degree in Medical Biochemistry, and is passionate about educating and training future health professionals. Upon completion of the Mandela Washington Fellowship, Alemseged plans to continue his work with the exam board, impacting the teaching learning process, especially student assessment. He will also help to fill the gap in academic leadership skills in medical schools, and plans to design high impact academic leadership training, promoting mentorship and partnership among academic leaders. This is a partial listing of Englishlanguage journals indexed by the JURN searchengine, now searching over 4,000 ejournals in the arts humanities. Girum Assefa Akriso. Girum Assefa Akriso realized very early that he wanted to become a storyteller. SPLS.png' alt='Paleoanthropology Graduate Programs' title='Paleoanthropology Graduate Programs' />Everyday life dragged him far from his boyhood dream, and he pursued studies in computer and information systems to earn his BSc. Having found himself drifting from his lifes purpose, three years ago he decided that enough was enough Enena Bete, a film written by Girum was produced and then selected as the opening film in the 9th Ethiopian International film Festival. Girum regrouped, starting Rusty Town Films with three talented young men, and started writing serial radio dramas on migration, stag plays on religion and culture, and several documentaries on community services. They also work on commercials and music videos. Girums skill set is best described as a mixture of creativity, storytelling, education, consulting, and entrepreneurship. Abraham Mekonnen Alemu. Abraham Mekonnen Alemu has over six years experience in human capital management in different sectors. Currently, Abraham is a human resources manager responsible for HR activities and operations such as planning, acquisition, talent development, performance management, and staff compensation. In doing so, he ensures the efficiency and effectiveness of the HR and organizational systems. He also volunteers in his local communitys fundraising activities to build school facilities, and teaches management at different colleges. Abraham holds a bachelors degree in Business Management with distinction, and an International Management award with distinction from The Institute of Leadership and Management, London. He is currently doing a masters program in Human Resources and Organizational Development. Upon completion of the Mandela Washington Fellowship, Abraham plans to continue creating job opportunities for the youth, people with disabilities, and women by filling the gap between industry needs and university curricula.