Tfc Middle East Program Schedule
Oregon DHS Staff Tools. These acronyms are not specific to DHS only they may be currently used elsewhere and have different meanings. Additionally, this is not a complete list of all acronyms being used in DHS. Select an acronym list Show all DHSChild Welfare. Known for being young, hip and cuttingedge, search engine giant Google is a dream company to join if youre looking for a career in new media. Bitcoin. La bolla dei bitcoin ed il sonno dei regulatorsBitcoin da 10 a 11mila dollari in poche ore. Poi cala a 9500. bollaDMAPOVRSSPDacronyms. AAA Administrative assistant. Calendar listing of June 2016 events and activities in Portsmouth, Virginia. Contact the Visitor Information Center for more at 7573935111. Kilauea Mount Etna Mount Yasur Mount Nyiragongo and Nyamuragira Piton de la Fournaise Erta Ale. A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z 2D 2Dimensional 3ACC 3A Central Control 3D 3Dimensional 3M Minnesota Mining and Manufacturing. Directions to NJ TRANSIT Headquarters 1 Penn Plaza East Newark NJ 07105 973 4917000. Avoid traffic and parking lot fees and hassles. Use NJ TRANSIT Rail or Bus. Tfc Middle East Program Schedule' title='Tfc Middle East Program Schedule' />
Australias Australasias comprehensive mining industry site covering exploration through to mining, processing and transport including company news and profiles. Free Download Font Cool Jazz Apk Apps. Affirmative action. Alcoholics Anonymous. Authorized absence. AAEEO Affirmative actionequal opportunity. AAG Assistant attorney general. AAICPC Association of Administrators of the ICPCAAPCC Average annual per capita cost. AARP American Association of Retired Persons. ABAD Aid to the blind and disabled. ABAWDS Able bodied adult without dependents. ABE Adult basic education. ABIS Automated Budget Information System. AC Activity center. Actual cost. ACA American Correctional Association. Actual cost. ACCESS Automated Computer Capture and Storage System. Accelerated Career Counseling Employment Support Services ACCESS ProjectACDP Acute and Communicable Disease Program. ACES Automated Confirmation of Eligibility System. ACF Administration for Children and Families, DHHSACGPR Oregon Advisory Committee on Genetic Privacy and Research. ACH Automatic clearing house. ACIP Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices. ACL Audit control language. ACLU American Civil Liberties Union. ACOA Adult Children of Alcoholics. ACOG American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists. ACSP Accessibility specialist. ACWP Actual cost of work performance. ACYF DHS Administration on Children, Youth and Families, ACFAD Activity description. Adult. Aid to the Disabled program. ADA Americans with Disabilities Act. ADAMHA Alcohol, Drug Abuse and Mental Health Administration, now SAMHSAADAP AIDS Drug Assistance Program, DHHSADC Aid to Dependent Children, now TANFADC BAS Aid to Dependent Children basic. ADC BASUN Aid to Dependent Children basic with deprivation based on. ADCC Average daily caseclient count. ADC EA Aid to Dependent Children emergency assistance. ADCM Aid to Dependent Children medical. ADCM BAS Aid to Dependent Children medical basic. ADCM EXT Aid to Dependent Children medical extended. ADCM MN Aid to Dependent Children medical medically needy. ADCM PLM Aid to Dependent Children medical poverty level medical. ADCM SAC Aid to Dependent Children medical substitute or adoptive. ADC PLUS Aid to Dependent Children eligible for JOBS Plus. ADC UN Aid to Dependent Children eligibility based on parents. ADD Attention deficit disorder. ADL Activities of daily living. ADM Arrow diagramming method. ADMS Alcohol, drug abuse and mental health services. ADP Average daily population. ADPICS Advance Purchasing Inventory Control System. ADS Adult and Disability Services. ADTP Adolescent day treatment program. AED Automated external defibrillators. AEN Assumed eligible newborn. A E Analysis and evaluation. AES Advanced encryption standard. AF Actual finish date. Alleged father. AFCARS Adoption and Foster Care Analysis and Reporting System. AFDC Aid to Families with Dependent Children, now TANFAFP Authorization for purchase. AFS Adult and Family Services Division, now CAFAFSA Adoptions and Safe Families Act. AFSCME American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees. AH Adolescent Health Program. AHA American Hospital Association. AHCPR Agency for Health Care Policy and Research, now AHRQAHRQ Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality, DHHSAHS Allied health services. AIDS Acquired immune deficiency syndrome. AIS Automated Information System, OMAPAKC Albertina Kerr Center. ALERT A public health immunization registry. ALF Assisted living facility. ALOS Average length of stay. AMA American Medical Association. AMAC Adult molested as children. AMH Addictions and Mental Health Division. AMPRA American Medical Peer Review Association. AMRRC American Medical Review Research Center. AMS Application maintenance and support. ANSI American National Standards Institute. AOA Activity on arrow. Administration on Aging, DHHSAOC Agency operation center. Assessment and observation center. Association of Oregon Counties. AOPA American Orthotic and Prosthetic Association. APA American Psychiatric Association. American Psychological Association. Administrative Procedures Act. APD Advanced planning document. APDU Advanced planning document update. APHSA American Public Human Services Association. APHSA ISM American Public Human Services Association Information Systems. Management. APIS ASFA permanency implementation specialist. APPA American Probation and Parole Association. APPLA Another Planned Permanent Living Arrangement. APR Averaging with periodic review. APRIL Association of Programs for Rural Independent Living. APS Absent parent search. Adult protective services. AR Accounts receivable. Administrative review. Agency requestbudget Applicant or recipient. ARAN American Rehab ACTion Network. ARB Agency Request Budget. ARC American Red Cross. The Arc, formerly Association for Retarded Citizens. ARMS Adoption Recruitment Management System. ART Addiction recovery team. AS Actual start date. Addiction services. Adoption Services. ASAP Alcohol safety action program. Alternatives for streamlining adoptive placements. As soon as possible. ASD DHS Administrative Services Division. ASET Administrative Services Executive Team. ASFA Adoption and Safe Families Act. ASL American Sign Language. ASM Application support manager. ASO Administrative Services only. ASPR Office of the Assistant Secretary for Preparedness and Response. ASQ American Society for Quality. ATI Access Technologies, Inc. ATOD Alcohol, tobacco and other drugs. ATP Authorization to purchase. ATS Alcohol treatment services. ATTC Addiction Technology Transfer Center See NFATTCAlcohol treatment and training center. AWS Applicant work search. AYA Alternative youth activity school Back to the. BBAM Oregon Budget and Management Division. Kobelco Excavator Manual. BBS Bulletin board service. BCBSO Blue CrossBlue Shield of Oregon. BCCM Breast and cervical cancer medical. BCCP Breast and Cervical Cancer Program. BCP Business continuity planplanning. BCWP Budgeted cost of work performed. BCWS Budgeted cost of work scheduled. BE Business expert also known as business integrity coordinator BICBEIN Beneficiary data exchange inquiry. Screen that identifies SSI benefits. BENDEX Beneficiary Data Exchange system. BEOG Basic education opportunity grant. BF,BFF Blanche Fischer FoundationBGAS Boys and Girls Aid Society. BHERT Behavioral Health Emergency Response Team. BI Best Interests of the childBIA Bureau of Indian Affairs, DOIBusiness impact analysis. BIAOR Brain Injury Association of Oregon. BIC Business integrity coordinator also known as business expert See BEBICC Biomedical Information Communication Center OHSUBLN Business Leadership Network also OBLNBMRC Blue Mountain Recovery Center. BOB Benzodiazepines, OTC drugs, barbiturates. Bobby approved A web site or page that meets accessibility guidelines. Specifically, a site tested and approved by Bobby software developed by CAST. BPA Budget, Planning and Analysis. BPCS Benefit package of covered services. BPST Bill payment system test. BRFSS Oregon Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance Survey. BRHSB Barbara Roberts Human Services Building See HSBBRP Budget rebalance plan. BRS Behavioral residential services. Behavior rehabilitation services. B2. G Business to government.